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Establishment of an Asian Medical Cannabis Advocacy Platform

Engagement in Medical Cannabis Cultivation
Integration of the Cannabis Ecosystem in Thailand
Establishment of a Community Cultivation Platform
Educating on Medical Cannabis Knowledge
2022 . 06 Legalization of Cannabis in Thailand

Asian Medical Cannabis Economy Starting with Thailand

2020 The United Nations Removes Cannabis from the List of Dangerous Drugs

In 2020, the United Nations removed cannabis from the list of dangerous drugs to facilitate expanded research and broaden its medical applications.

2021 Global Medical Cannabis Market

In 2021, the global medical cannabis market was estimated to be worth around 11 billion USD, with a projected growth rate of over 21.06% from 2022 to 2029, according to the 2023 research report by Grand View Research.

2022 Thailand Fully Opens Up to Cannabis

The Thailand cannabis market is projected to experience a year-on-year growth rate of 58.4% from 2022 to 2030. This growth is attributed to the legalization of cannabis and its medical applications, as stated in the Thailand Cannabis Market Size Report, 2030.

Mass Crowdsourced Cultivation of Medical Cannabis in the Cloud

Investment Opportunities in Thailand's Green Medicine

FlyingW breaks through the past limitations of high capital and high barriers in cannabis cultivation. Now, we are assembling a community of 'Flying Farmers' for crowd-sourced cloud cultivation of medical cannabis in Thailand, aiming to promote greater understanding of the medicinal benefits of cannabis. Simultaneously, we are building an Asian Flying Farmers community to drive green initiatives. Currently, our platform has signed contracts with the largest medicinal cannabis farm in Chiang Rai and two indoor cannabis cultivation farms in Bangkok. Welcome aboard FlyingW's flight to enjoy harvest rewards and experience Thailand.


Chiang Rai

Project : JTG2308


Project : coming soon


Project : coming soon

From several partnered farms in Thailand, flyingW divides cultivation areas and greenhouse units, offering small-scale investment opportunities for cultivation, thereby allowing more people to participate and gain an understanding of cannabis cultivation. Crowd-sourced cultivation involves subscription of cultivation units by 'Flying Farmers,' with Thai farms handling all processes from facility construction, breeding, planting, drying, processing, to sales.

flyingW's Collaborative Farms for Crowd-Sourced Cultivation
  • Measured in units of several plants each.
    Crowd cultivation is available based on project units.
  • Based on project units, crowd-sourced cultivation is open.
    Public cloud-based subscription, unified cultivation by farms.
  • Each harvest cycle.
    Distribute cultivation rewards and continue to the next planting cycle.
  • If cultivation is terminated midway.
    Redemption available at harvest time, with the platform repurchasing certificates based on costs.
flyingW Crowd-Sourced Cultivation NFT Certificates

Crowd-Sourced Cloud Cultivation - Your Medical Cannabis Field in Thailand

Everyone Can Participate in Green Medicine

Crowd-sourced cultivation breaks down barriers, allowing more people to engage in medical cannabis. Flying Farmers can make small-scale cloud-based subscriptions, while farms take care of cultivation, and both parties share in the planting rewards.

Your Exclusive Medical Cannabis Plants

Each investment unit corresponds to a unique cannabis plant area, ensuring no duplication with others, and is authenticated using blockchain NFT certificates, with future opportunities for visits.

Blockchain NFT Recorded Cultivation

Flying Farmers subscribe to 'Crowd-Sourced Cultivation NFT Certificates.' Blockchain certificates possess public, tamper-proof features, offering transparency, uniqueness, and execution through smart contracts.

Diverse Benefits of the 'Flying Farmers' Community

The purpose of crowd-sourced cultivation is to establish an Asian community, using it as a foundation for development. The platform will subsequently offer more Thai massage, shopping, dining, and medical discounts to the community.

Fixed Reward Green Investment Tickets

The flyingW platform continues to collaborate with more farms, offering various crowd-sourced cultivation plans. Early participants, like ticket holders, can receive priority access or special rewards for future participation.

Membership Card for Deep Thailand & Cannabis Tourism

Flying Farmers can redeem various cultivation rewards, including travel or cannabis products in Thailand. In the future, you can enjoy discounts for multiple Thai activities, just like a membership card for in-depth travel in Thailand.

Crowd-Sourced Cultivation Starts Now

Divided every 6 months

After sowing in crowd-sourced cultivation, harvest occurs every 6 months. Flying Farmers (Chief Pilot NFT holders) can choose between a 10% crowd cultivation reward, plant airdrops, or travel redemptions. In addition to the biannual harvest rewards, flyingW guarantees that holders of the certificate can choose to repurchase the NFT certificate at its original price after 1 year, effectively returning the cultivation cost to the Flying Farmers.

Crowd-Sourced Cultivation Project: JTG2308 Farm

Maiden Voyage

- Chief Pilot Certificate

The Chief Pilot Certificate is flyingW's first project in collaboration with a farm in Chiang Rai, Thailand. Pre-sale price is $1,350 USD (42,500 NTD / 10,550 HKD), offering a yearly 20% cultivation reward or up to 35% (16,000 THB) in product redemption discounts.

Number of Cultivation Units
USDC (Equivalent to USD)
Per Unit Amount
Reward %
Annual Crowd Cultivation Reward Percentage
USDC (Equivalent to USD)
Annual Crowd Cultivation Reward
Harvest Reward: Choose 1 out of 4

Select Your Flying

Before each distribution, Flying Farmers must choose between "Crowd Cultivation Reward" or "Redemption Reward." If the Flying Farmer selects plant or CBD redemption, the platform will send several "Redemption Voucher NFT Certificates" worth 1,000 THB each based on the card rewards ratio from the "Blind Box Game." These vouchers can be redeemed online or at partner stores in Thailand for rewards.

*Note: In the "Blind Box Game," the "First Pilot NFT Certificate Cards" are divided into 3 different types, representing 3 different redemption reward ratios (26%, 30%, 35% annually). They are randomly distributed for added fun. The Crowd Cultivation Reward remains fixed at 20% regardless of card type.

Portfolio Images
NFT Redemption Rewards

Explore a New Thailand Experience

When Flying Farmers choose the redemption reward, they receive several "Redemption Voucher NFTs" corresponding to the card type. These vouchers can be redeemed for equivalent cannabis products, CBD, or travel on the platform or at partner stores in Thailand. They can also receive regular CBD product shipments in legally permitted countries.


Platform Blueprint

flyingW's first limited edition NFTs are expected to go on sale in August 2023. The raised funds will be invested in farm cultivation. The NFT project is anticipated to conclude in October 2026, allowing holders to redeem their principal using the NFTs or exchange them for a Thailand travel itinerary.

Contract Activation

Initiate cooperation with farms in Chiang Rai, Bangkok, and Pattaya by signing memorandums of understanding or formal agreements, launching the flyingW crowd cultivation project.

Initial Subscription

Legal-certified contracts will be issued to release 1000 Chief Pilot certificates for crowd cultivation, officially opening the subscription.

Cannabis Association Establishment

The Asian Cannabis Association will be officially established, promoting medical cannabis cultivation programs and certification for stores in Thailand.

Distinctive Thailand Travel

Planned to officially launch a unique Thailand travel tour during the Loy Krathong Festival, including visits to crowd cultivation farms, cannabis meals, cannabis oil massages, cannabis yoga, and store tours.

First Planting

Completion of new greenhouse construction, planting a thousand medical cannabis plants corresponding to the inaugural Flight Pilot NFT. Rewards will be harvested every 6 months, and the "Flying Farmers" community in Asia will be established.

Construction of Smart Farm

Planning to construct a new generation smart farm, integrating mobile factories, negative pressure spaces, solar panels, and intelligent systems to enhance quality and reduce costs.

Future Medical Center

Planned collaboration with flyingW's future medical center, introducing high-end medical solutions. Initial Flight Pilot NFT holders can also participate in the experience.

Team Introduction

About flyingW Members


flyingW is a platform established by a Thai company in 2023, with main members based in Thailand. Subsequent members from Taiwan, Hong Kong, Singapore, and Canada have joined, aiming to promote the Asian medical cannabis and cultivation platform.


AIM, a preparatory member of the ASEAN OFFICE and NCIA ASEAN, is dedicated to promoting medical cannabis, cannabis cultivation programs, and association store certifications.


We have experience in technology factories and smart farming, introducing construction techniques and collaborating with professional farms to enhance the quality of medical cannabis and promote high-end medical solutions in Thailand, contributing to cannabis research.

Diverse Offers and Experiences

Keep Flying

The flyingW platform will continue to develop new farms, physical stores, and CDN products, providing more diverse capabilities and creating a complete ecosystem in Thailand.

Starting from August 2023

Become a Flying Farmer!